Saturday, May 21, 2016

Initial Report of Healing Revival

May 21 2016 - as scheduled the Healing Revival was held... My human words can not adequately describe the moving of the SPIRIT of GOD individually or within the Family (ALL of Us at the River Of Life) Congregation.


 Given the cares of the world, and the endless parade of entertainment designed by society and satan to take our minds, further numb our senses and GOD granted Humanity, and our ability to think and discern the soft calling to Worship HIM; and our individual hurts known only sometimes to GOD, we all need to respond to the yearning in the Heart that ONLY GOD can fill. More to come GOD willing and my weak flesh responding....  Until ..... further communication....  m. AMEN

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Blast from the past with some corollaries with present wedding..   Marilyn McCoo formerly of the 5th Dimension on Solid Gold ----- the Wedding Bell Blues - a hit from 1969 - 1970.